My Tune
bottomline -- I can't cook!
Name: firstmonsoon
Home: Chennai, India
About Me: I've been curious for as long as I can remember, so it probably figures I'm technically a scientist now. Especially exciting is how this gives me license to go about mixing stuff, stopping in my tracks to take a closer peek at something potentially interesting and read up on totally obscure topics out of huge books and still not be taken for a nutcase. See- it's just my job :)
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What might have been a beautiful banana smoothie..

July 2006
August 2006


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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
..put your hands up in the air… if you want one of these, that is.
Milkshake; - “you can’t make milkshake without ice cream” says one cook I know :)
Chocolate, Strawberry, Butterscotch et al apart, Vanilla goes well with a lot of fruit. On the other hand, fruit milkshakes are actually also nice without ice cream, methinks. Mango, Sapota, Banana are my favorites.

And hmm. Also see this.

Sorbetto : Chill with the ice :) Summer days are especially conducive to freezer-raids.. the kind where you scrape the frosty ice off the freezer walls.. I discovered kinda recently that there’s amuch more hygenic and creative way that people have already figured out, to do the same thing. Used to think a sorbetto was made from crushed frozen fruit juice. But much easier than crushing is just stirring it every so often (whenever I decide to take a break from my xbox game on a weekend) to break the ice up. Eventually all the liquid freezes, and it becomes powdery. That’s when you scoop it out with an ice cream scoop and garnish with a sprig of mint ;)
Granitas : Just like a sorbetto. Only, you don’t need to wait till it’s powdery dry if you’re serving it immediately. If you aren’t, then pop the ’sorbetto’ into the fridge for a while, or blend until slightly slushy, serve in tall glass..

I have tried orange, lemon and tea. Will update if I manage to make any others. Would really like to try out an apple :D

Another ice cream expert says that you’ve got to make sure your ‘fruit juice’ is nice and saturated before you freeze. Fruit puree, more than juice, and Sugar optional, depending on what flavour you use. Fruit juice alsoine, but the fruit part of it melts off into a liquid leaving just white ice, if you don’t gulp it quick enough. I have yet to ask first ice cream expert his opinion, since I haven’t managed to serve him one of these yet.

Wiki links : Sorbetto, Granita, Milkshake

posted by firstmonsoon 10:10 AM  

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